Contact Foliar Insecticide

Formulation: 70WDG

Are you looking for an insecticide that is highly effective against a range of Hemipteran insects but easy on most beneficial insects and natural predators? Odeza™ Insect Growth Regulator is your answer.  Equivalent to Centaur®, the unique chemistry and mode of action of Odeza controls scales, leafhoppers, pear psylla, and mealybugs, including Gill’s mealybug and benefits all Integrated Pest Management and Resistance Management programs.

Active Ingredient: Buprofezin

Odezaprovides excellent control of San Jose scale, controls pear psylla and mealybugs, and is very effective on soft scales and leafhoppers.

Used On

Apple, Citrus, Grapefruit, Pistachio, Pome Fruit and Tree Nuts

Key Benefits

Mode of Action

The product ‘s unique mode of action is a tool for growers who want to prevent the build-up of pest resistance by rotating products. Odeza can be alternated with other mode-of-action insecticides for San Jose scale control and added to pear psylla programs to help preserve the long-term effectiveness of new chemistries.

Controlled Insect Stages  

  • Odeza controls 1st and 2nd instar pear psylla nymphs.
  • Odeza controls the immature stages of San Jose scale (“black cap” stage and 1st crawler stage).
  • Odeza controls the immature stages of mealybugs (nymphs and 1st crawler stage)
  • Odeza does not provide knockdown of pear psylla adults and can be tank-mixed with an adult aside to add adult knockdown
  • Odeza is not an ovicide

If applications of Odeza are made in-season to mixed generations of target pests, the time required for control is increased. Odeza is a contact insecticide and coverage is critical for optimal performance. A higher water gallonage, minimum 200 gallons per acre (GPA), is recommended for adequate canopy coverage. For best results as they cover spray tank mix with an adulticide.

Resistance Management

Odeza is an insect growth regulator that differs from all other insecticides by being the only chemistry in IRAC Group 16 (inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis, type 1).  While IRAC Group 15 insecticides also inhibit chitin biosynthesis (type 0), there is no known case of insect cross-resistance between these chemistries and buprofezin, the active ingredient in Odeza. The inhibition of chitin biosynthesis prevents molting of juvenile stages of susceptible pests, resulting in insect mortality.  This effect is not observed against adults; exposure results in reduction of oviposition, and oviposition of eggs that are not viable.


Centaur® is a registered trademark of Nichino America Inc. 

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